Setting Up WiFi on Zappi V2 - Via Android Device

Setting Up WiFi on Zappi V2 - Via Android Device


The current generation of myenergi products have Wi-Fi allowing them to connect to the internet.

This article will guide you through connecting via the Android Device Access Point Method


Initial Reset (May be required) 

The WIFI module is switched on by factory default when the device is first installed.

If you have trouble setting up the Wi-Fi module or this is not a first-time installation from the factory, check that the Wi-Fi is turned on and then reset the Wi-Fi module. 

Go to - ‘Other Settings’ > 'Advance' > x x x x > 'System' > 'Reset WIfi Settings' > 'Confirm'



How To Video

Menu Map Instructions (Set-Up)

Go to ‘Other Settings’ > ‘Internet’ >’Wi-Fi’ > ‘Wi-Fi Config…’

WiFi Config map.pngIf it is showing as ‘Off’, select ‘Wi-Fi’ and press ‘+’ to set to ON (Note: it may take a few seconds for the display to say "ON").

Scroll down to ‘Access Point’, this should be set to ON by default. If it is showing as ‘Off’, select ‘Access Point’ and press ‘+’ to set to ON

Now, Press the Menu button back to the WiFi menu, make a note of the SSID and Password information or take a photograph to assist you with the next steps.

You will be prompted for the Wi-Fi password. This is the password given in the menu you noted down above.

On your Android Device, Navigate to the Settings Screen and WIFI, Tap on the Myenergi network that matches that of your Devices Screen. Example Below. 

On the pop-up display on your smartphone enter the passcode you noted down from your Mtyenergi Device. 

Now a new pop-up window will appear: you will now be prompted to create a new password to protect the Wi-Fi settings from being changed by anyone else.

At this point, your phone/tablet should launch a web browser and take you to the WiFi setup page. If this does not happen then open a web browser and enter the address

This must be at least 8 characters long, consisting of a combination of lowercase and 
uppercase letters, and digits.

Make a note of the password as you will need it if you ever need to change the Wi-Fi settings.


Wait 5 seconds for your password to change and the webpage to reload.


Once connected, you will be directed to the webpage as shown below where you will need to select your home Wi-Fi Network from the list in the “Detected Networks” box and type in your Wi-Fi password to allow connection to your router. Then press Connect. 


Note; In most cases you should leave the “Show IP Settings” option unticked.  However, if you want to give your zappi/eddi a fixed IP address then tick the ‘Show IP Settings’ box and fill in the extra information needed.

Please wait 15 seconds for the connection to take place.


Make sure that the Wi-Fi is connected. You can check this by either:

Looking on the settings web page, where you should see “Connected” is showing as “True” or On the Wi-Fi screen on the zappi, where it should show as “Connected”

NOTE: If the screen above does not appear check your phone or computer is still connected
to the myenergi access point.

Finally, check to see if there are any firmware updates available. -> Updating Firmware    If you require further assistance please create a ticket to our support team here

Note: Once connected, the "Local Access Point’ (created by the zappi) will turn itself OFF 
as it’s only needed to set up the Wi-Fi connection. If no connection is established your
‘Access Point’ will remain ON for 60 minutes before turning itself OFF. Turning it off
prevents anyone else from connecting to the myenergi device and changing the settings.

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