Lock Failure !

Lock Failure !



The article provides an overview of the Lock Failure ! error message that appears on the zappi device.

This error message indicates that the pin on the lock solenoid has failed to engage properly into the charge cable plug on an Untethered Zappi.


Lock Failure as soon as plugged in.

If the lock failure occurs when the cable is first plugged in, it may indicate a problem with the solenoid, which can be fixed by arranging a replacement solenoid. Often a simple unplug and replug once a reboot is complete will clear this fault code. 

If after clearing the fault it returns we do recommend testing the charging lead on another charging point to rule out any third-party faults. This will help you to determine whether the issue is with the charging lead or the zappi. If the charging lead works fine on another charging point, you should then contact our support team to report the issue.

Lock Failure mid-charge.

If the fault occurs at some point during the charge, then something else may have happened than that of the above fault. One possibility is that the solenoid has engaged properly when the charge cable plug is inserted into the zappi, but the weight of the cable then acts to pull the plug out of the socket. 

In this case, if the EV does not wake up within 30 seconds, zappi will try a recharge sequence. During this sequence, zappi sets the Control Pilot signal to "State F" for 5 seconds, and the locking solenoid is released. If the weight of the cable is enough to pull the plug out slightly, then the pin on the solenoid no longer aligns with the hole in the plug. After 5 seconds, zappi returns to "State B2" and tries to re-engage the lock solenoid. 

If after clearing the fault it returns we do recommend testing the charging lead on another charging point to rule out any third-party faults. This will help you to determine whether the issue is with the charging lead or the zappi. If the charging lead works fine on another charging point, you should then contact our support team to report the issue.

If you require further assistance please create a ticket to our support team here

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