Bad Voltage Range / Under Over Voltage

Bad Voltage Range / Under Over Voltage


One of the more common reasons for contact that our support teams get is because of the warning "bad voltage range". This article will go over what this error means and what can be done to rectify it. 

What does it mean?

The message displayed of “bad voltage range” or “Under/Over Voltage” refers to the voltage that is at the Zappi terminals within the unit. The local domestic network operator (DNO) has a responsibility to provide a set voltage to any property.

What can be done?

As a customer the first thing you can do is reboot the zappi, this will reset the voltage readings logging to ensure if the event occurs going forward, we know then if is it recent data not historical from when the zappi was last turned on. 

When you check on Menu>Readings>Page 2 you will see as shown below:

Take note of the Voltage Min number. If this is outside of the range it must be supplied by your local domestic network operator (Click here for more about your local DNO). 

If the voltage is outside, contact the DNO to have monitoring applied to confirm and then subsequently fixed. 

What is the range that I must be supplied?

The DNO has an obligation to provide each property with a reliable range of power. This runs from 207v-253volts. 

If you require further assistance please create a ticket to our support team here

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